2018 Call for volunteers is closed
Don't just attend, contribute!
BSidesSATX relies on the help of people people like you, who are willing to contribute time to make independent events like this a success. Why volunteer? You will be giving back to your community. Doubtless events like this have helped you grow and now you can return the favor. Volunteering also never hurts your career, providing CPE's and resume building material. Finally, it's an excellent opportunity to meet like minded members of the community, learn something new, and above all have some fun.
The backbone of any volunteer group are the all-rounders. 1 hour or all day we can still use you. Setting up signs, moving things around, or finding things and people. Your time will be appreciated, however much you can contribute.
Registration Desk
Our registration desk is the first stop for all attendees. Badges, directions, and a warm welcome can be found here. Volunteers need no more prior experience than knowing how to say hello.
Room monitors
Speaker wrangling, keeping an eye on the time, making sure talks go smoothly. This is a key role for making sure things run smoothly. No prior experience necessary and you will certainly help make BSidesSATX a success.
As an AV person, you will need to manage the cameras and sound equipment, and ensure that everything is working correctly. Experience is preferred but not necessary. Volunteers will be required to attend training sessions.