Interested in BSidesSATX, but unable to attend this Saturday for the conference in person?
We plan to make use of a blog on our site and possibly a mailing list service to provide quarterly updates going forward. Check back here on the website for info as things progress. We'll make sure it's possible to sign up to receive updates. Also, this will be our first year to record talks. They may be a bit rough around the edges this time, but we'll add some polish next time around. Talks will be published to a yet to be created YouTube channel, as they are able to be released. Have you you been thinking about a topic, but would like some help in developing it or working on presentation skills? In response to feedback we are looking to start a presenter's mentoring program to help people get more comfortable with preparing materials, giving talks, and public speaking. We appreciate your feedback. We are all part of shared community and the goal is to help one another grow. Thanks for your interest and support of BSidesSATX in our community. Respectfully, Steven ArchivesNo Archives Categories |